0 votes
by (8.2k points)

Can you please tell me about this error and how can I resolve it?

[14:56:59] MethodAccessException: Requires team license

UnityEditor.AssetModification ProcessorInternal.RequireTeamLicense () 

(at <7105be432fb64891b07085914e6cd5c1>:0)

I tried 

  • I even uninstalled and reinstalled unity
  • I have an active licence as well
  • build and inspector windows are not working

the same error is showing.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (8.2k points)
edited by
  1. Hey just thought I'd update this with a fix that I found if anyone else ever runs into this issue. For me, the issue was stemming from the Unity Github asset that I had downloaded from the asset store before I updated my Unity.
  2. Deleting it from my project resolved the errors being sent to my console. If you are getting this error, consider deleting any plugins or assets that you have recently added to your game.
  3. Try to Activate the License Key.

4.It will solve your Issue.

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