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by (8.2k points)

I am trying to import a Revit model into unity via 3dsMax. However, If I go with this workflow I have to manually assign materials to each element which is very much time-consuming. Can you please suggest any better workflow which will help retain the materials and textures of the Revit model? Please suggest any free sources or tools.

1 Answer

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by (8.2k points)
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  1. You can use " BLENDER" software to convert all material into "STANDARD" material and then try to import the 3D model into unity.
  2. Click on 3D model then in Inspector panel Material --> Extract Material.
    1. Press "Extract Materials", it will save materials in your Asset folder.
    2. Select each materials, and assign your Textures manually
    3. Check the color, reflection..settings, it could be just black from your default source fbx.


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