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by (8.2k points)
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While building an APK file with unity the “Android NDK not Found” error occurs?

I installed - Unity 2019.3.0a4 Personal with Unity Hub 2.0.0.

ISSUE : "You are missing the recommended Android NDK..." in "Preferences/External Tools/".

What I did :

  1. Installed Android SDK & NDK Tools by the lastest Unity Hub (screenshot 1).
  2. Tried to "Build" and "Build & Run", not working (screenshot 2).
  3. Checked in "Preferences/External Tools/" (screenshot 3).
  4. I located manually with this path "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.3.0a4\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\NDK\", error window .

If someone can give me a way to solve this problem, It could be helpfull for the community.

1 Answer

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by (8.2k points)
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Best answer

This error occurs at the time of download/installation of Unity3D.  There is a missing file.

1. Go into preferences and untick the box to use the version installed with Unity, then click the browser button, and select the path of the NDK installation.

C:/ProgramFiles/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/ NDK/android-ndk-r16b (the location may be different your case.)

2. Download external “NDK” with Android Studio.

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