+1 vote
by (270 points)
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  • What Is a Prefab?
  • How Do You Create a Prefab?
  • What Makes Prefabs Useful?
  • How to Use Prefabs in Unity?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (8.2k points)
  1. A Prefab in the context of Unity is a pre-packaged GameObject with a specific set of components, values, and child objects.
  2. Creating a Prefab in Unity is the simplest part of the process. Once you've set up the GameObject that you want to be a Prefab, choose it in the Hierarchy on the left hand drag it down to your folder of choice in the Project window.
  3. The ease of duplication aside, Prefabs are great because they allow for wide-scale changes without the need to mess with individual Instances of a GameObject.
  4.  Prefabs are extremely useful in that they allow you to assign scripts/materials/other variables to a GameObject or hierarchy of GameObjects and keep them saved that way to be loaded at a later time. This makes it much easier to bring things into your game environment by letting you do all the work at once, save it to a prefab, and then just call that prefab whenever you like instead of having to reconstruct all the values again.
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