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by (8.2k points)
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I learn it from Vuforia tutorial on YouTube. I add a white cube(or sphere) as the child of image target. When the camera catches the image target, the screen turns to be totally white. It seems that the object target is too large to show on screen. When I move away from the image target, the camera works again. I tried a new project and repeated my steps many times, and I do succeed sometimes. I don't why most times it just shows part of object and fills all screen.

1 Answer

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by (8.2k points)
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It would be, that your camera "Clipping Planes" are not set up correctly. For most image targets you have to increase the "far" field. I set the far field most of the times to 10000 and everything works fine.

 Make sure Game Object is a child of the Image Target  

Make sure you have pasted a license key in Vuforia Configuration

When you enter the width in the database(on Vuforia developer portal) it is entered in meters. So for example, if your image target is 10cm in width, then enter 0.1 in the width field.

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