0 votes
by (8.2k points)
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If I build and run my app, it will run the app for about 5 seconds, title screen visible and all, before crashing. If I install the app and try and run it, it will crash immediately without displaying the title screen.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (8.2k points)
Best answer

Try these settings:

[Android Settings]

[Player >> Other Settings]

  • Color Space - Gamma

  • Auto-Graphics API - ❌

  • Choose: "Vulkan + OpenGLES3".

  • Multithreaded Rendering - ✅

  • Static Batching - ✅

  • Dynamic Batching - ✅

  • Lightmap Streaming Enabled - ✅

  • Scripting Backend - IL2CPP

  • Target Architectures:

  • ARMv7 ✅

  • ARM64 ✅

This is the "Player Settings" I used for my last app, and it worked

Best of luck!!

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