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by (8.2k points)
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I'm trying to use Unity's AR Foundation, however I can't seem to find the package in the package manager. I'm using Unity version 2018.3.11f1

These are the only packages available:

enter image description here

Even after searching for AR Foundation nothing comes up. I know you can load from disk space but I can't seem to find a download for it anywhere.

Where can I find the package?

1 Answer

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by (8.2k points)

You want to make sure you have the option for preview packages checked. It's located under the Advanced dropdown in the package manager.

Advanced dropdown

AR Foundation is available as an optional package in the package manager. In the Unity Editor file menu, select Window > Package Manager and select the "Show preview packages" from the Advanced dropdown.

Unity Package Manager

This shows available packages for import. Select AR Foundation from the list and install it by clicking "Install".

Install AR Foundation

You should get a similar result.

AR Foundation installed

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