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by (8.2k points)
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SDK” Build tool Not Found error
I DOWNLOADED unity 2020.1.17f from unity Hub 2.4.2 and install all Tools(SDK, JDK, NDK) etc.... but when I'm going to build I'm getting this error.

UnityException: Android SDK is missing build-tools. Android SDK Build-tools component is not found. Make sure all tools are installed in the SDK manager.


1 Answer

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by (8.2k points)
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1)Open Unity HUB

2) open Installs

3) open your Unity Version via Add modules(EVEN if you installed JDK,NDK,SDK etc)

In my case even if all checkboxes near JDK,NDK were gray (as i have installed them), i saw active button.

4) Then reload unity editor (without reloading same error)

5) Done
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